How to Downgrade from Frodo to Eden on your Jailbroken Apple TV 2

Alot of you guys keep asking how to downgrade, I am  having problems with Frodo V12 and about there being some glitches with regards to add-ons in Frodo for the Apple TV 2 device. Some add-on authors have not yet updated their add-on coding in order to support this new Frodo version of XBMC yet which is why many of them may not yet be working. Luckily, you can still Install XBMC’s earlier Eden version without much of a hassle at all. We’re going to walk you through downgrading from Frodo to Eden right now.



  • Jailbroken Apple TV 2 Device (freshly jailbroken preferably)
  • Minor Technical Experience
  • Terminal (pre-installed for Mac Users) or PuTTY (Windows Users)

1: Install XBMC normally using the nito Installer (Mac / Windows / iDevice) or the conventional more complicated (Mac / Windows) method.

2: Launch Terminal or PuTTY and run the following commands one by one, waiting for the previous one to complete before moving onto the next.

Command 1:

ssh root@[Apple TV IP Address]

NOTE: You’ll now want to answer “yes” and then click enter if prompted, and use the password “alpine” (without quotations) with the username “root” as usual.

Command 2:

rm -f *xbmc*.deb

Command 3:


Command 4:

dpkg -i *xbmc*.deb

Command 5:

rm *xbmc*.deb

Command 6:


3: Launch the “XBMC” icon for the first time and enjoy Eden once again!

Congratulations! Now reverted back a step and are now running Eden again, how does it feel to be living in the past? If you’re using some of our add-ons you’ll probably enjoy it more for now, but stay tuned because we’re going to be releasing some new Frodo friendly software in the very near future.

(info taken from

About cagex007

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  1. Thank you very much. It worked flawlessly 🙂

  2. Gracias man, cuando estaba en la version 5.2 me daba error o supuestamente se habia instalado pero no salia el icono de xbmc…. lo que hice fue bajar a la version 5.0.2 creando un custom con snowbreze y haciendo los pasos mencionados, ahora si tengo mi xbmc eden y va volando. gracias

    • Eso es bueno, la estancia en Eden No actualice todavía y estancia en 5.0.2 porque todo epílogo tener problema ..

  3. at command 6 reboot I lose my tethered jailbreak !
    pls help

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